54. Balti Rahvaste Kommerss

Järgmisel aastal on korp! Sororitas Estoniaelkoos korp! Fraternitas Esticaga võimalus korralda 54. Balti Rahvaste Kommerssi. 54. Balti Rahvaste Kommerss toimub Tartus 16-18 juuni.

We are glad to announce that korp! Sororitas Estoniae has the opportunity to organize 54th Baltic Nations Kommers along with korp! Fraternitas Estica next year. Baltic Nations Kommers will be held from the 16th to the 18th of June 2017 in Tartu, Estonia.

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/brk2017
Official homepage of 54th BNK: http://brk2017.cfe.ee


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